Transforming Logistics with Analytics

A Comprehensive Guide to Data Driven Decision Making

Here you can find all the courses that are part of Transforming Logistics with Analytics.


In today's practice, logistics decision-making can be a complex challenge. Within an intricate web of stakeholders and process steps, transport routes must be optimized, inventories efficiently managed and available capacities optimally deployed. Balancing cost-effectiveness with sustainable on-time deliveries, whereby taking into account all kinds of uncertainties, adds another layer of complexity. It is like orchestrating a symphony where every note (decision) reverberates throughout the supply chain and finding the perfect harmony requires a keen understanding of the complexities involved.

To deal with all these complexities one can observe that in today's logistics landscape supply chain management decisions rely more on data than on traditional experience. Data has become the new oil in our digitized world (The Economist, 2017). Big data, characterized by massive volumes of information that can be analysed for insights and decision-making, offers a competitive advantage when utilized effectively.


The objective of this e-book (which consists of a package of courses) is to provide high-quality and continuously updated study materials for (future) logistics professionals. The applied nature of the study materials is based on real-life applications (e.g., data sets and case studies).

Target audience

The target audience of the courses comprises of 2nd-year logistics management and logistics engineering students at Universities of Applied Sciences, their lecturers and logistics professionals with no background regarding data-driven logistics.

Target audience

Apart from the courses ‘Introductions to data-driven logistics’ and ‘Basic concepts, principles and theories’, that are focusing on a more theoretical exploration of data-driven logistics and its associated theories and concepts, the other 8 courses adhere to a more structured framework. Each course follows this format: it starts with the question 'What to expect,' proceeds with an elucidation of the theme, outlines its learning objectives, introduces the topic with an initial segment covering basic theories, concepts, and principles, followed by an exploration of methods. Subsequent to the course, there is a comprehensive overview of available tools and a listing of key references within the specified theme. Additionally, each course incorporates a practical case study, comprising a case description, a dataset (description), and concludes with a set of case questions along with their corresponding answers.

We dedicate this book to Arthur van der Molen. Without his knowledge, wisdom, and creativity, we certainly would not have come this far.

We remember him with the deepest respect and admiration.

On behalf of the team, Dr. Dennis Moeke

Courses that are part of this e-book

Dennis Moeke is professor in Logistics and head of the Research Group Logistics and Alliances at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. He has a special interest in Healthcare- and Data-driven Logistics. In addition, he is also a member of the executive board of the National Centre of Expertise KennisDC Logistiek and represents the HAN in the executive committee of Logistics Valley.
Dennis moeke
Ron van Duin is Professor in Port and City Logistics at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. He is a specialist in the field of multimodal transport, city logistics, information issues and simulation/operations research. Furthermore, Ron is currently conducting practice-oriented research in the field of ports, intermodal transport, ICT and city logistics in the port city of Rotterdam. He also serves on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) on the Intermodal Freight Committee.
Ron van Duin
Pascal Ravesteijn is professor of Process Innovation and Information Systems within the research center for Digital Business and Media at HU University of Applied Sciences. Pascal has always worked on the boundary between Business and IT which is reflected in his current research interests and projects that mainly focus on IT-driven business & process model innovation and the subsequent competences and skills that employees need to be effective in a digital environment.
Pascal ravesteijn

This publication is part of the project ‘small projects 2022 route transport and logistics' with project number NWA.1418.22.023 which is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).